Llámanos 561.962.1421
Now Accepting Cigna, Aetna and Medicare Health Plans in FL Licensed in FL, PA and CA.

Mónica Capille
Hola, soy Mónica, dietista titulada con más de 15 años de experiencia en el mundo de la nutrición y la dietética. ¡Estoy lista para ayudarte hoy a hacer un cambio de estilo de vida saludable que te dará salud y felicidad!
Consulté a miles de pacientes por año sobre las mejores prácticas de nutrición para manejar una amplia gama de afecciones y complicaciones relacionadas con la salud. Mi deseo es educar y motivar a pacientes como usted que buscan un dietista que pase tiempo con usted y escuche sus preguntas personales sobre nutrición.
Mission Statement
Dietitian Services
“At Dietvana, we are dedicated to revolutionizing nutritional guidance in the digital age. Our mission is to recognize the uniqueness of every person and tailor our recommendations to align with each individual's goals, lifestyle, and health needs. Making evidence-based, personalized dietary counseling accessible to everyone, anytime, and anywhere. Through our user-friendly platform, we connect individuals with qualified dietitians, offering support that fits seamlessly into modern lifestyles. We believe in the power of technology to bridge gaps in health and nutrition, fostering a world where informed dietary choices are at everyone's fingertips."
Vision Statement
Virtual Dietitian Services
"In a world rapidly transitioning to digital,Dietvana envisions a future where quality nutrition advice isn't bound by geography or time. We aspire to lead the evolution of virtual dietary counseling, making it a norm rather than an exception.Dietvana seeks to be a beacon of knowledge, support, and empowerment. We strive to bridge the gap between health aspirations and achievable outcomes, making personalized nutrition and sustainable healthy lifestyles a shared reality for our diverse community."

Diabetes mellitus
Control de peso
Cocina saludable / planificación de comidas
Dieta y desintoxicación
Nutrición Enteral